Bernard Pastel by Pamela Koster

Bernard Pastel by Pamela Koster
Bernard the Magnificent

Monday, May 30, 2011

A new baby duckling!

Yes, the duck/duck/goose trio (Anne/Jean Claude Van duuck/Bridgette) have produced offspring! We believe it is a duck, but it could be a cross (??) Suggestions for a new species name range from Gooyduck to Doose. The little girl/fellah is cuter than a bug in a rug. However, there is some confusion over exactly HOW to raise him. Mama goose Bridgette is trying to imprint goose behavior while Duck Mommy Anne is busy trying to pass along her duckyness even though she is quackless.

Van duuck, meanwhile, chases his offspring, chases the geese, and generally terrorizes the occupants of the poultry yard.

Pictures to come soon....

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