Yes, we've finally gone insane over here at the Cottonwood Bed and Breakfast. Last month we bought the 3 acres that adjoin our property to the south. This month we decided to start filling it up-- with critters.
Now for the geese and Great Pyr situation as it stands today-- we have 3 new geese (or goosers, as I like to call them). We have a young Sebastopol goose we have named Snarky, and two cute mutts we have named Sid and Nancy. We had 4 Sebbies, but lost 3 of them to a dog attack. Which leads to the next new guests-- the 2 Great Pyr brothers we drove all the way to Montezuma, KS to get. Yep, Sparky and Shmoo. They are so cute and that only pictures can tell the story. We went to get one pup and ended up with two. Of course. We thought about one poor lonely puppy and just couldn't do it.
So, now Sparky and The Shmoo are kicking it in the hen yard. So far they have bonded nicely with our 15 girls (and Bernard). They are having a bit of a time with Sid and Nancy, who would like to squeeze their little heads and rip them off. Needless to say, Sid, Nancy, and Snarky are all over in their OWN part of the yard, enjoying the new pond we installed last week.
And if that isn't enough, 4 of my Great Cochins have just gone broody-crazy. I am exhausted with pulling them off their eggs, so they are all going to be allowed to hatch. Yep, it will be chaos here in about 2.5 weeks.
Earlier in the summer we finally tackled the front yard, getting rid of the grass and installing a more "xeric" garden. Okay, so the fountain isn't exactly xeric....
So, what are you waiting for?? Come see the pups before they're 160 lbs! I've attached a few of the first pics.