How could April be gone so fast? That doesn't mean that spring is all the way here-- we had another 2 inches of snow this last weekend. Luckily it only stayed on the ground for a day and we're back up in the 60s during the day. There was some ferocious wind earlier in the month, but it looks like that is behind us. Plenty of tulips, daffodils, and rhubarb. Yes, the rhubarb is back and with a vengeance. We now have 7 large plants underway. I can't wait for more rhubarb bread and punch....
Friends brought us some lovely Meyer lemons (in the photo above) from California and of course we just had to can them. We made some wonderful lemon marmalade, which I had never eaten before. We've already gone through two jars in less than a week, so I guess it will have to be a trip to California next year and a large U-Haul full of lemons. Anyone out there want to trade some excess lemons or oranges for some plums? We've got three kinds and they are usually coming out our ears. Swap! Swap!
Of course now that the snow is abating we're really looking forward to the weeding. And they are here already!
Also, a great recipe for all those boiled eggs you get every Easter-- add green chili to your egg stuffing! (of course!)
Also, a photo of our Easter chicks- a before and after picture of the carnage our guests inflicted on the flock....